GBM gets new outdoor seating

New outdoor seating at the Goodbye Blue Monday:  Alex Beeby, Jane Moline, Justin Stets, Rick Estenson and GBM co-owner Dan RigginsI missed it yesterday but Curtis Tiano took this photo of the first four people to park their rear ends on the new outdoor seating at the Goodbye Blue Monday.

L to R front: Alex Beeby, Jane Moline, Justin Stets, Rick Estenson. They were supervised by GBM co-owner Dan Riggins.

There is a Philadelphia connection to these seats but I don’t know what it is. Vet stadium seats?

New outdoor seating at the Goodbye Blue Monday New outdoor seating at the Goodbye Blue Monday New outdoor seating at the Goodbye Blue Monday

One Comment

  1. If those were seats from Fenway I’d be buying a coffee and sitting on them everyday!

    October 4, 2011

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