My apologies to those of you who tried to visit here last night between approximately 10-11 pm CDT and found yourselves instead at my business blog site.
LoGro is hosted on a subdirectory of my business web hosting account at Tiger Technologies. In the process of moving their sites to a new data center, my domain aliases were not updated simultaneously.
All is well now, though.
I thought LoGro had REALLY gone on sabbatical Welcome back.
This morning I wrote to Nami Teramoto, one of the staffers at TigerTech:
Nami replied:
I got additional details from another staffer, Ken Spreitzer:
Their prompt and human follow-up is another reason why I’ve hosted all my sites (and most of my clients’ sites) at TigerTech for years.
Griff- Thanks for the explanation. I thought I had fallen into disfavor.