School Board to Produce Nude Calendar?

calendar_girls.jpgAt a social gathering last weekend, I heard a rumor that the Northfield School Board was producing a calendar. I inquired if it was intended as a fund-raising effort, along the lines of the women who posed in support of the Leukaemia Reasearch Fund. My inquiry was neither confirmed or denied.

Further rumors suggested that Noel Stratmoen will be pictured in an athletic pose, screened by a timely basketball, with the title “Rebounding for Resources” and that Paul Hager will be captured in a theatrical pose, covered by a well-placed top hat, with the caption “Singing for Schools”. Requests for details from Wendy Smith were met with “Wouldn’t you like to know…”. An alleged spokesperson for Kari Nelson quoted “I’d rather take off my clothes than go through another levy referendum”.

I hope that the calendars will be available at Bookfellows, Fine Groove, Monkey Reads, and River City Books, although, of course, by request only. This morning I heard another rumor that the Board is setting up a website: Well, it sure beats a bake sale.

One Comment

  1. Nick Benson said:

    More brilliant reporting Ross – kudos on getting the scoop on this one 😉

    January 5, 2007

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