Lunch with John and Nancy: police presence really not all that necessary

Nancy Amerman, Griff Wigley, John GeorgeIt’s not often I get treated to a meal with my LoGro hat on, but it happened yesterday. My beneficiaries: regular commenter and resident punster John George; and Nancy Amerman, an occasional object of my blog spoofs.  We ate at the HideAway Coffeehouse & Winebar.

John and Nancy are members of Transformation Northfield and Nancy is a member of Rejoice! Church.  Both organizations have been the subject of, um, my critical attention here on LoGro (TN tags here, Rejoice! tags here).

Was I worried?

plainclothes Northfield police officer in really plain clothesInitially, no, but when I noticed a plainclothes Northfield police officer (once again in really plain clothes) pretending to be reading a newspaper at an adjacent table, it gave me pause.  Was he expecting things to get out of hand? And how did he know we’d be there? Was he following me on Foursquare? Tracking my tweets? Does he know where I live?

As it turned out, we didn’t even talk religion so violence wasn’t an issue.  We kept to non-controversial topics, like politics.  We had fun, as you can see. So no worries. Move along now. Nothing to see here.


  1. john george said:

    Griff- I’m beginning to sense a common thread very time you blog about getting together with me, but I just can’t quite put my finger on it!

    November 13, 2011
  2. Griff Wigley said:

    Finger-pointing will get you nowhere, John. 😉

    November 14, 2011

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