Know a geezer who needs to take a driving safety course, whether or not they drive a Buick? George Kinney is your man


  1. George Kinney said:

    Thanks, Griff. I just want to point out that anyone 55 or greater will get a 10% discount on their automobile insurance for taking the class, as specified in MN law — and those younger may be offered a discount from their insurance carrier. The first time around is an 8 hour class (either a Saturday marathon or two nights during the week)that is good for 3 years. Then a 4 hour refresher is required, every three years. It is certainly worth the cost of the class, and we won’t bore you to death.

    November 16, 2011
  2. john george said:

    Griff- One of the reasons for all the Buicks is that GM stopped making Oldsmobiles about 6 or 7 years ago.

    November 16, 2011

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