I entered Cannon River Watershed Partnership’s photo contest this year and whaddya know, I placed. Here are the winners in the three categories (thumbnails are linked to the large originals on the CRWP site but they still display in a slideshow here in the blog post):
Category: Family and Friends in the Outdoors
First Place: Laurie Johnson
Second Place: John Muellerleile
Category: Working for Our Watershed
First place: Glenn Switzer
Second place: Griff Wigley
Category: Nature in Our Watershed
First Place: Griff Wigley
Second Place: Eric Mueller
Third Place: David Charlton
Congratulations ,griff!
Nice to be recognized by other than LG readers for all the great photos you give us, here on your site.
Congratulation Griff. That’s cool. Did you win a ribbon?
Congratulations, Griff. Just goes to show that you never know what will develope from pictures you take.
Thanks, y’all. No ribbons but I’m pleased with the recognition.
John, somehow I knew this blog post would click with you, knowing the lens with which you view the world.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!…No surprise on your achievements, considering your expertise behind the lens!!!…
Another subject: Without racketball, when are you going to start playing PONG???…Monday nights at the Senior Center offer a possibility for you…
Griff- Iris will have to work real hard to keep you in focus on everything else. I shutter to think where this could go.
Don, I’ll keep ping pong in mind. I’d hate to have my right arm start to whither from a lack of racquetball.
In the meantime, I’m trying to excite as many Northfielders as I can about mountain biking. I’ll give you my sales pitch the next time I see you at the James Jang Coffeehouse.
Congrats, Griff! That’s my son Cliff in the orange hat. He’s revamped the recycling bin prototype. You should see it!
i’ve been looking thru a site, crazyguyonabike.com that has lots of journals and photos from around the world.
Griff: whither goest thy right arm if it starts to “whither” (sic) ?
sorry; couldn’t resist… stuck at home with a bad knee provides way too much time on computer!