Bart de Malignon is a Northfield downtown building owner and the proprietor at ("Custom Picture Framing, Original Fine Art, Posters and Prints").
He’s also known to the Northfield police for parking his Hummer illegally downtown.
He’s now got a new comic strip called Southfield:
One time, he saw a duck commit suicide; so he is naturally thrilled to be involved in constructing SOUTHFIELD from dirt to sky or higher if necessary.
He will stop at nothing, for nothing, by nothing nor near nothing to fabricate a narrative of ill-defined characters and feeble scenarios for your unjoyment.
Welcome to Southfield, kind patrons!
Wipe your feet. Wipe your nose.
And wipe your brain.
Thanks for the splash, Griff. One small correction – it was Babe Fortuna who saw the duck commit suicide, not me. Small detail, but not so small for the duck.
Southfield, Home of Mind Over Matters
Somebody should start a Derf fan club. Or a Derf for Mayor campaign!