Since John and Lisa were quick to figure out yesterday’s mystery photo, here’s another one. The hint is the same: they’re local citizens, doing something civic-related, only this time a bit more, um, valuable! Click photo to enlarge.
Yes, they’re drinking beer and that’s definitely valuable, especially if it was purchased at our local Northfield municipal liquor store, which, it could be argued, is the root of all (most?) evil at city hall these days, but they’re not smoking cigarettes, even though those could be purchased at said store, which, come to think of it, might be the reason that God is punishing the city with a city hall meltdown despite the efforts of the prayer ladies, who, I might add, could use some relief from some prayer guys or maybe some other rituals which, given that’s it’s almost Halloween, could be secular in nature which I think the Northfield Ministerial Association could still support because, after all, rituals do rock.
But beyond that…
Ha, I got it! A silent auction committee organizing auction items. Laura Baker School, maybe?
Actually, I bet they are writing descriptions for the aution items. Do I win?
I believe that the silent auction part is correct, but I’m guessing that they’re preparing for the Northfield Historical Society auction in November. Right, Moneypenny?
That would be Master Ed with Deanna, Michelle, and I’m afraid I don’t recognize the fourth person. Looks like they’re having way too much fun.
That would be the Northfield Historical Society’s Auction,
Saturday, November 3rd,
reception at 6 pm,
at The Grand,
in Downtown Northfield,
James Bond attire encouraged,
right, Q?
The “mystery” gal would be Chris Ellingson. Looks like the NHS is on their way to another very fun and successful event!
Y’all nailed it. For the record, the Northfield Historical Society volunteers are, L to R, Chris Ellison, Deanna Kuennen, Ed Kuhlman and Michelle Millenacker. Photo submitted by Exec. Director Hayes Scriven who confirmed that these folks are “going over items that have been donated for the auction.”