Norman Butler and Terry VanDeWalker were tuning up their vocal chords yesterday afternoon on the outdoor stage of the Contented Cow, getting ready for this week’s 5th Annual JuneBug Festival of Music.
Notice that they’re not scheduled:
Wed. 6/27/2012
5pm Barb Piper Jazz Duo
7pm Late for Lunch
9pm Wild Cathedral
11pm Alison Rae
Thurs. 6/28/2012
5pm East Side Collective
7pm Optimum Trajectory
9pm Toaster Fork!
11pm Giraffes Love Dinosaurs
Fri. 6/29/2012
5pm New Moon Trio
7pm Stone Soup
9pm Area 51
11pm Kinda Kinky
Sat. 6/30/2012
1pm Chance Meeting
3pm Carey Langer
5pm Occasional Jazz
7pm Tramps Like Us
9pm RCAs
11pm Gospel Gossip
That does not look like Terry on the right. Terry DID sing with the RCAs, by the way! Look for story on the Big Wu in the Northfield News (I am happy to promote bands that have been together 20 years, as well as 47 like the Night Crawlers!)