Ray “Jake” Jacobson was on hand to watch his ‘Harvest’ sculpture get installed in front of the Malt-O-Meal plant on Hwy 19 yesterday. It’s due to ultimately be installed at the new 5th St. and Water parking lot/pedestrian promenade when that’s completed sometime next year, part of the Streetscape plan. For more details, see my Aug. 12 blog post and slideshow when Jake spoke to the NDDC forum. (Click photos to enlarge. Two on the right, courtesy of Sue Hvistendahl.)
Update 11/18: Ray Cox has a post on his Northfield Construction Company blog about working with Jake to prepare the base for the sculpture.
Cool pictures Griff.
Thanks to Ray Jacobson for being so creative…
…and Malt-O-Meal for being so supportive…
…of arts and culture…
…in Northfield.
Hey, Ross, now your stealing my favorite punctuation mark.
Damn… you!
Hey, Brendon, I guess he stole another punctuation mark from you since one is missing from you’re.
It’s the old college English teacher in me coming out. Sorry.
I know it was an oversight on your (not you’re) part.
Ahhh… pisser… I’m typically quite anal about such things. Maybe Griff will forgive me and correct my horrendous error.
Thanks, Susan.
Hey Susan – not an old engish prof am i… but isn’t there a bit of syntax creep in your remark to Brendon:
” I guess he stole another punctuation mark from you since one is missing from you’re.”
Forgive me … but should it not be: From your “you’re” …
or, from your use of “you’re” …
and, what about your: “since one is missing from you’re” …
as we all NO there is no “one” in, you’re ?
That is to say, there’s no “I” in team!
Unless of course it’s the: ” I-Team” .. which might just prove, television is changing everything..
Texnaligie! Spell Check is both my savior and my nemisis!
QUESTION: Is this thread creep or thread meander?
I’ve udated Sue’s two photos on the right with larger, cropped versions.
I could have said “one ((that is to say, one punctuation mark)) is missing from your ‘your’ (should have been ‘you’re’)” but I think the point was understood.
And now I have confounded things further here with double and single parentheses and quotation marks. (The double parentheses and this single parenthesis is for you, Victor.)
Basta. Enough grammar. All glory to Jake’s new sculpture!
So–here is the focus. We in Northfield owe Ray (Jake) Jacobson a debt of gratitude for yet another iconic work for the community. In 1980 Jake created the fountain at Bridge Square, which was donated by the Sheldahl Company in celebration of its 25th anniversary and designed “in the spirit of creative energy and growth” which we find in this town. Now, with the sponsorship of Malt-O-Meal, we have the temporary installation of “Harvest” (which weighs a ton and a half!) in front of Malt-O-Meal. Jake (who started out in Carleton’s art department in 1955) is donating his talent and extraordinary creative vision to this project because of his love for this community. Thank you, Jake!