Retail shuffle on Division: Health Craze moving south, Eclectic Goat moving across, Gear ReSource and Cakewalk moving in

New home of Health Craze New home of Gear ReSource new home of Eclectic Goat old home of Eclectic Goat new home of Cakewalk

Lots of retail action on Division St. in downtown Northfield this month:

One Comment

  1. Griff Wigley said:

    Aug. 27 Nfld News: Dundas couple shares knowledge of outdoors

    Dundas couple Nicole and Robert Stai share a passion for the outdoors. They go hiking and backpacking together. Nicole said that she enjoys cross-country skiing and snowshoeing in the winter. Earlier this year, they spent a month exploring Peru.

    So they know what kind of equipment they need to spend a week backpacking in the wilderness. Friends have even relied on Robert for advice about gear, or where to get it. Now, the couple will take that skill to market, along with plenty of apparel and equipment. Their store, The Gear ReSource, opens on Saturday in downtown Northfield.

    August 28, 2012

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