Let it snow

downtown snow removal Santa's house on Bridge Square Aaron Anderson

Left and center photos: City crews hauled away the weekend’s (4-5?) inches of snow from downtown streets on Monday and put up Santa’s house on Bridge Square. And then yesterday we got hit with an Alberta Clipper dumping another few (4-5?) inches of delightful fluff, just in time for Winter Walk tomorrow.

Right photo: from my corner office window at the Goodbye Blue Monday, I managed to catch GBM employee Aaron Anderson spreading salt on the sidewalk.

Click photo thumbnails to enlarge. And thanks to everyone who’s been praying for snow. 😉


  1. Lisa Guidry said:


    I sense sarcasm in your tone.

    December 5, 2007
  2. Griff Wigley said:

    You’re right, Lisa… that last line was definitely sarcastic and deliberately so. This paragraph on our About page explains the difference between a blog post and a conversation:

    We refrain from sarcasm and satire where there’s a conversation going on, whether that’s on the audio show or in the comment thread of a blog post. It’s insulting to be sarcastic when conversing with someone. But we may occasionally use sarcasm and satire in our blog entries, as a blog can be a pure publishing medium. If a conversation (comment thread) is triggered by one of those posts however, we’ll be sure to switch off the sarcasm and will expect our site visitors to do the same.

    December 5, 2007
  3. Jerry Bilek said:


    twas not prayer nor any kind of clipper, alberta or otherwise, that bought the snow. twas the Rare Pair.

    Last year their ads and window displays were green and white trees. The tag line said “tis the season.” we had a green Dec.

    This year their ads and windows are blue and white snowflakes. The tag line reads “let it snow.” Need I say more.

    As one who enjoys the white powdery fluff, I thank them for a white Dec.

    December 5, 2007
  4. Jerry, nice rhyme! I also enjoy the snow, so I say let it come!

    December 5, 2007

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