Yes Griffin – we at 306 Division Street are extremely happy with the Stapf staff’s accomplishments.
For years, going on 20, we have seen little kids – toddlers, running out in front of their parents — rushing past the alley throat, parent and toddler alike oblivious to the threat of emerging vehicles. For years I have taken it upon my self – meek mannered as you know I am, to caution the parents of the dangers of the alley. Sometimes they get quite indifferent. And year after year the traffic increases.
Last spring I made a deal with TJ Heinricy – part of Stapf’s staff to install a pole for a mirror. TJ got the pole put in and put up a mirror. It (the mirror) was there for between 30 and 90 minutes. Gone!
So then, followed the Odyssey for safety’s sake of just what to do and how to do it. Earlier this summer when Kiffi and I were meeting with TJ and Joe Stapf about sidewalk poetry, I again broached the issue of signage and a mirror. I think the first one cost us about $85 – about a dollar a minute.
Well, now you see the benefit of that discussion.
Not always the biggest supporter of city staff –We are extremely impressed with Joe Stapf. And, of course TJ is every ones fair haired hero – Hmm? No hair up there as I recall … but you get my drift.
FYI the alley as is the parking area to the rear, are part of our property … and as such we carry a moral and financial responsibility with their use. Both alley and parking area are difficult to control, maintaining some order.
So, this is good. Drivers coming up the alley see the image in the mirror and at least are cautioned by its presence. I’m sure the potential for tragedy is lessened. thanx to Stapf and staff. But parents should still take care.
Good job! Well done!
Yes Griffin – we at 306 Division Street are extremely happy with the Stapf staff’s accomplishments.
For years, going on 20, we have seen little kids – toddlers, running out in front of their parents — rushing past the alley throat, parent and toddler alike oblivious to the threat of emerging vehicles. For years I have taken it upon my self – meek mannered as you know I am, to caution the parents of the dangers of the alley. Sometimes they get quite indifferent. And year after year the traffic increases.
Last spring I made a deal with TJ Heinricy – part of Stapf’s staff to install a pole for a mirror. TJ got the pole put in and put up a mirror. It (the mirror) was there for between 30 and 90 minutes. Gone!
So then, followed the Odyssey for safety’s sake of just what to do and how to do it. Earlier this summer when Kiffi and I were meeting with TJ and Joe Stapf about sidewalk poetry, I again broached the issue of signage and a mirror. I think the first one cost us about $85 – about a dollar a minute.
Well, now you see the benefit of that discussion.
Not always the biggest supporter of city staff –We are extremely impressed with Joe Stapf. And, of course TJ is every ones fair haired hero – Hmm? No hair up there as I recall … but you get my drift.
FYI the alley as is the parking area to the rear, are part of our property … and as such we carry a moral and financial responsibility with their use. Both alley and parking area are difficult to control, maintaining some order.
So, this is good. Drivers coming up the alley see the image in the mirror and at least are cautioned by its presence. I’m sure the potential for tragedy is lessened. thanx to Stapf and staff. But parents should still take care.
Thanks for telling us the history behind this improvement, Victor. And props to you, Kiffi, TJ and Joe for making it happen.