If you came of age in the 60s in the Twin Cities, then you might know why that phrase is significant to me today.
Updated 9/30: KDWB, channel 63.
If you came of age in the 60s in the Twin Cities, then you might know why that phrase is significant to me today.
Updated 9/30: KDWB, channel 63.
That’s where the dial on the car radio HAD to be — only AM station that was acceptable (and nobody had FM at that time).
You are correct, George. KDWB, channel 63 was my favorite rock n’ roll station, and one of KDWD’s signature phrases was “63. [pause] That’s easy to remember.” And since I turned 63 years old last week, I can finally use that phrase when people ask me how old I am.
KDWB competed head-to-head with WDGY, but all the cool kids listened mainly to KDWB.
I’ve added a couple of images to the blog post above, including a link to a PDF of their Fabulous Forty Survey for September, 1963, the month I started high school.
I beg to differ, Griff. My family left Brookings, S.D., for one year as my father worked on his Ph.D at the U of Minn. and I was a WDGY fan (ok, ok, maybe I wasn’t cool?). But I still remember their song, “WDGY, eleven three oh, Minneapolis (bing!)/St. Paul.” I too remember following top 40 hits and went to a Cavalcade of Stars show which included Fabian and Bobby Rydell. (Sounds like you went to a “swinging school,” Griff? Name of a Rydell hit. I heard Rydell High in “Grease” was named for him.)
Susan, I think my annoyance with WDGY was because of their star prime time DJ, Bill Diehl.
Ah KDWB. THE best radio station ever. We had the KDW-Beatles. We had the KDW-Beach Boys. We were color radio. We had leaky billboards. I maintain that Professor James Francis Patrick O’Neill is the very basis of my humor. We had True DON Bleu. We had Lovable Lou Riegert. ‘DGY was a prerecorded, stodgy knockoff.
I recite “That’s easy to remember” at the mention of 63. Last year I turned 63. It was a big deal. 63!! That’s easy to remember!! Sadly, on Monday I will turn 64. I’ll revert to “Will you still need me, will you still feed me.” At heart, though, I will always be 63. That’s easy to remember.