I got an email last week from AmeriCorps VISTA member Joe Amerman, asking my help in raising community awareness of Accelerate Northfield which
… recruits tutors from the community and the colleges to work with children in Northfield’s public elementary schools. Founded by Rachel Matney and Fritz Bogott, the program’s aim is to use one-on-one tutoring to close Northfield’s large achievement gap.
Joe stopped by my corner office at GBM for the obligatory promo photo and then a few days later, I saw him meeting with Accelerate Northfield co-founder Fritz Bogott. Fritz and Joe said that their big goal since they launched the project a year ago was to raise awareness among more elementary teaches so that they’d list their students’ tutoring needs on the Accelerate Northfield website. This fall, they’ve accomplished that beyond their expectations and now they’re in need of more tutors. See the three ways that can you help.
And see the Aug 30, 2011 article on Nfld Patch by Myrna Mibus: Accelerate Northfield Aims to Bridge Achievement Gap.
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