It’s one month till the election and the race for MN House District 20B is between Brian Wermerskirchen and David Bly.
If you’re looking for an online venue to discuss the race with your fellow Northfielders, this is it.
It’s one month till the election and the race for MN House District 20B is between Brian Wermerskirchen and David Bly.
If you’re looking for an online venue to discuss the race with your fellow Northfielders, this is it.
KYMN: 2012 Election Candidate Interviews – David Bly – House District 20B representative
KYMN: 2012 Election Candidate Interviews – Brian Wermerskirchen
The issue has been raised that we need to pay back our shools : First of all I did not realize that Public Schools are in the banking business : We never hear about how we need to pay back the Nursing Homes : They have been underfunded for at least 20 years or more never catching up with the cost of living for the care takers of our elderly : Long-Term Care workers have not seen a pay raise in over five years : Also we hear about how the economy is getting stronger : (maybe for some) Then why has there not been a raise for Long-Term Care workers : Chicago Teachers were asking alot : How do we afford asking Long-Term Care to still bear the brunt of the budget process :
It was pointed out to me that Brian Wermerskirchen did NOT support the marriage amendment. I tried to find something on his website that indicated this but to no avail.
Anyone have proof of this?
Brian voted “no” at the Chamber/NDDC Forum.