Finally: snow and cold

Robbie Wigley with Laylapoodle
It’s been long time (two years?) since we’ve had significant snow here in Northfield. Today’s 8+ inches of heavy wet snow was only half the amount that some places got around the Metro area but good enough to make things spectacularly pretty, including these two, Robbie and Layla. 

The wet snow stuck to Layla’s underbelly and legs, making her look like a toy poodle, which was worrisome to me. One never knows when the Rotary might hold another Poodle Shoot fundraiser.


  1. Kathie Galotti said:

    The third time I went out last night to clear the driveway, I thought to myself that you would be wishing for double the amount of snowfall. It is pretty. But I could really be done for awhile.

    December 10, 2012
  2. George Kinney said:

    You’ll learn, Griff, that little “sweater dogs” (we have a 15 yr old bichon) really need the sweater and booties to make it in the snow. Then they’re good for quite a while.

    December 10, 2012

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