For the next week (and maybe longer), I’m moderating three focused blog discussion threads on the Parking Management for Downtown blog.
Although each one addresses the concerns of the particular stakeholder group (F2F meeting photos above), the discussions are open to all. Here are the links to each blog post:
- Blog discussion: parking issues relevant to downtown building owners
- Blog discussion: parking issues relevant to bicyclists
- Blog discussion: parking issues relevant to pedestrians
Among the many issues raised by the three groups:
- parking meters
- enforcement
- diagonal vehicle parking
- painting center lines and sharrows
- crosswalk safety
- walking routes to downtown
What ever is learned be sure to keep the results for at least 10 years as this issue resurfaces about every 10 years without any action.
Ron, that’s one of the purposes for the parking management plan for downtown blog site, ie, to capture everything that’s done and house it in one place forever.