NCO board member Doug Bratland works at Carleton College and has created a set of Carleton Community Connections web pages that
… provide an easy way for Northfield residents to stay connected with what’s happening on campus, to keep you informed about Carleton resources and updated on college projects that affect the Northfield community.
Thanks for the mention, Griff. I hope people will contact me (by clicking my name at the bottom of any of those pages) if they have any concerns or comments about the community web site, rather than airing their grievances in this forum 🙂
I love this site. It already answered alot of questions for me reagarding what resources might be available to the community and the apropriate contacts on campus. Thanks for your desire to be more accessable to the Northfield community and your efforts in that direction
Mary Rossing
We would also like to encourage folks to sign-up to receive “Intersections,” our new e-newsletter. The first edition of this quarterly publication is slated to go out by the end of the month. Just click on the “community enewsletter” link to register.
Doug, I just used the comment form to ask whether Carleton might make this information available via RSS so that I could subscribe to its content without relying on my feeble attention span to remember to visit the website “regularly” to see what’s new.