Were you an Ole in the late 90s? Find yourself in this comic book.

April Ripka Poster Tyler and Cori

When I visited April Ripka at The Sketchy Artist on Sunday, she showed me her display of books by Tyler Page and by Cori Doerrfeld (Ole alums, now married, pictured together, right, in a photo from this blog post).

Tyler’s new comic book, Nothing Better Vol 1: No Place Like Home, is evidently a hit with Oles in part because many of the characters are reportedly based on fellow students at the time.

See Tyler’s site and blog at Stylish Vittle Dot Com and Cori’s here.

Comic book page


  1. Stephanie Henriksen said:

    Tyler, I like your girls in the bathroom print on your website. Reminded me of my drawing teacher at St. Olaf, Dorothy Divers. She did a litho print of her roommate Inky, brushing her teeth. She died in 2003.

    January 23, 2008
  2. Anthony Pierre said:

    Does 96 count as late 90s? Does the comic have any guys around the street fighter 2 machine????????

    January 23, 2008
  3. A.Ripka said:

    not so much based on real people as perhaps inspired by it. tyler did a 3 book series a few years back that was based on life at Olaf his senior year. it was a great story and i gotta give the man tops for being so open about his life and the relationship he was in at the time. Nothing Better is a fictional story, but the school and its students remind me of, oh i don’t know…Olaf? heh. for former Oles, it’s a dead ringer (esp for those that went before the new student center and art building went up). but you don’t have to be a former or even current Ole to appreciate the experiences the two main characters go through as freshmen. tyler does a fantastic job of creating such memorable and endearing characters that you’re sure to come across at least one character that makes you wonder “didn’t i know that person?” yeah. you did.

    and cori’s books are so cute!! i really hope to bring more of her stuff in. she’s got some really awesome artwork – both for kids and grown-ups.

    i encourage everyone to stop in and check out their work. not because they’re my friends or because it’s my store – it really is a great story and some fab artwork.

    to coin a favorite comic book phrase: ’nuff said.

    January 25, 2008

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