City Administrator Al Roder’s Friday Memo for week of Jan. 28 -Feb. 1

al-roder Northfield City Administrator Al Roder publishes a memo to the mayor and city council each week on Friday. It summarizes many of the staff activities for the week.

fridaymemothumbThe Friday memos are published and archived in PDF form at the bottom of his web page.

See his Friday memo for last week and then comment or ask questions about it here. See the Northfield city calendar for public meetings that are scheduled this week.


There’s a City Council meeting tonight (misc. PDFs).


  1. Ross Currier said:

    Looks like an interesting agenda…

    …among other things there are the following topics:

    “Authorize the Library Director to issue a request for proposal for building site feasibility design studies at the current library site”

    “Update on project and discussion of development contract for Mendota Homes”

    “First Reading of Ordinance No. 873 – Relating to a Building Board of Appeals”

    “Review and approval of letter to Goodhue County Attorney”

    February 4, 2008
  2. Jessica Paxton said:

    Can I assume that the annexation request by Johnson Reiland Homes, originally scheduled for the Feb. 4 meeting, has been dropped from the agenda? Ross, since you’re a member of the Planning Commission, do you know anything about this?

    February 4, 2008
  3. Scott Davis said:

    It is my understanding that Johnson Reiland asked to postpone indefinitely, their appearance at the City Council meeting.

    February 5, 2008

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