Photos: Peter Diggins at the Rueb for ArtOrg’s Winter Concert Series

Winter Concert Seriessizzling eggheads poster Dave Machecek
Mr. ArtOrg, Dave Machecek (right), has put together a 12-week Winter Concert Series that began in mid-January and continues into April.

Last night’s performance was at the Upstairs Rueb and featured local guitarist Peter Diggins “with one of his projects from the late 80’s and early 90’s, the Sizzling Eggheads.” See Dave’s blog post on for more on Peter and the group.

Sizzling Eggheads Jim Anton Peter Diggins George Marich

Bassist Jim Anton, lead guitarist and vocalist Peter Diggins, drummer George Marich.

Rueb crowdRueb crowdRuth Sylte, Kari Alberg, Susan Crow Metz

Misc. audience members, babes, groupies. On the right (belonging to one of those aforementioned categories, I won’t say which): Ruth Sylte, Kari Alberg, Susan Crow.


  1. Julie Bixby said:

    Dave and Peter have also arranged for the groups to come down to The Cow to perform after they leave the Rueb at 11:00pm on Friday nights.
    Thanks guys! The energy at The Cow has been great!

    February 11, 2008
  2. Absolutely, Julie. Thanks to you, Norm and Terry for making everything happen.

    We are putting together a highlight video for the series, and there have been some great performances at the Cow!

    Some people have asked about the schedule. I will try to post a file here. If that doesn’t work, go to

    February 11, 2008

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