Vote for Northfield High School in Fox 9 School Spirit Bracket Challenge

I got this email today from Northfield High School world history teach Sam Wold:

sam-wold  Fox 9 is running a contest in which students vote for their school in a bracket system.  The winner will have a live Fox 9 news broadcast at their school.

I am trying to get the word out to vote for Northfield HS.  Anybody can vote (student, teacher, parent, community member).  If you could include a link or a post on your site that would be great!

Okay, Sam, I don’t watch TV news (I can’t stand the fluff. heh.) But I’m game.

The contest start page is here. Northfield has defeated Wayzata and Mpls-North and is currently competing against Coon Rapids in Round 3. Click on the ‘northfield’ link in the bracket takes you to this registration page where you’re required to hand over your name, zip, phone and birthdate. That made me a little nervous (will Fox 9 be spamming me?) but there’s a guarantee and an opt-out clause:

You will automatically receive e-mails such as contest picks confirmation and password retrieval messages as needed. If you would like to receive additional e-mail notification of new and upcoming contests on our website, please check ‘yes’. Your e-mail address will only be made available to this station and to the sponsor of the contest you are entering. It will not be sold or made available to any other companies or email lists! If you do not want to receive any e-mail notifications of future contests, check ‘no.’

foxcontest-sshotEmail confirmation is also required. Whew! I finally got all the way through it, voted for Northfield, and then got this screen which shows Northfield slightly ahead.

I guess I can keep voting once every hour around the clock but I’m not sure when this round ends. Plus, I have naked sushi to attend to.


  1. Rob Hardy said:

    I would double check, Griff, but I think you have a picture of Mr. Thornton there, not Mr. Wold. Unless I’ve been talking to the wrong guy at parent teacher conferences…

    February 26, 2008
  2. Griff Wigley said:

    I had the wrong photo of Sam Wold posted. Now fixed.

    February 26, 2008
  3. Rob Hardy said:

    Oh, you already changed it!

    February 26, 2008
  4. Griff Wigley said:

    Thanks, Rob… Sam alerted me about the same time you discovered it.

    February 26, 2008
  5. Griff Wigley said:

    Hey, it looks like things are heading in the right direction. As of 1:15 PM:

    Northfield: 1,442 – 64 %
    Coon Rapids: 812 – 36 %

    Maybe having the wrong face for Sam helped matters. 😉

    February 26, 2008
  6. Ross Currier said:

    Coon Rapids is rapidly gaining on us, Griff. With a population of 63,649, they have us seriously outnumbered. Our only hope is if all the visitors to Locally Grown go vote on the Fox site.

    February 26, 2008
  7. Griff Wigley said:

    You’re right, Ross. They’re nipping at our heels:

    Northfield: 2,090-52 %
    Coon Rapids: 1,895-48 %

    February 26, 2008
  8. Gilly Wigley said:

    VOTE PEOPLE! VOTE! They’re catching up, and almost passing…

    February 26, 2008
  9. Gilly Wigley said:

    I just voted again, and they are now ahead…

    February 26, 2008
  10. John S. Thomas said:

    VOTE! They are ahead by nearly 300 votes.

    February 27, 2008
  11. Tracy Nelson said:

    FWIW – It appears the clock resets at the top of the hour, so set your clocks to vote just after that time . . .

    February 27, 2008
  12. John S. Thomas said:

    Northfield 4,710 48 % / Coon Rapids 5,189 52 %

    February 27, 2008
  13. Scott Kelley said:

    as of 9:00 on Wednesday, Northfield 5645 45 %/ Coon Rapids 6834 55 %

    February 27, 2008
  14. Griff Wigley said:

    We’ve had some comments from an anonymous person offering some strategies for beating the Fox system. But I think it’s better to lose graciously than cheat.

    The person said that this round ends 11:59 PM sunday.

    February 29, 2008
  15. Griff Wigley said:

    Congrats to Coon Rapids, right?

    March 4, 2008

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