I know these are piece ‘o cake questions for many of you long-time townies and/or regular commenters here.
So for this post, initial guesses (until nailed correctly) should only be submitted by people who’ve not yet commented here on Locally Grown thus far this calendar year, 2008… hence my use of the word ‘newbie.’
Sooooooo…… click the thumbnail to enlarge and if you’re a (relative) newbie, make a guess at one, two, or all three of these questions (attach a comment):
Who are these guys, what are they doing and why?
3/8 update: Jerry Bilek (Monkey See Monkey Read) nails it. See this poster and the comment thread for details.
I know, I Know. Shayes Harken is being fitted for prison garb because he robbed 2nd Nashville Bank
Sorry Griff, couldn’t resist.
GASP are they FINALLY getting new clothes at the NHS?!? (There might have been new ones for a while, but I’ll be honest, I haven’t worked there since 2004)
Northfield mythology has long held that Hayes Scriven’s right arm was slightly longer than his left. Unfortunately after his untimely death during the robbery of a local coffee shop, the body is rumored to have been dug up and sent off to Michigan in a barrel labeled “mixed paint”, or sunk in a pond up North somewhere. Neither the lore of the arm, nor the two body disposition rumors have ever been proven.
Here, Hayes’ evil twin (or his great- great- grandson?) is measured by a local arm-measurist and voice-over dubbist to see if there exists any familial correlation with the deceased original. The study is being undertaken at the Northfield Historical Society, which under the guise of maintaining a collection of spurs and some really nice guns, is actually a front for a more sinister project to determine the genetic accuracy of the town’s historical claims. The connection with a recently-broken skeleton story is not lost on the reader.
Okay, y’all are getting closer (Hayes Scriven, Executive Director of the Northfield Historical Society is on the right in the photo) but who is the other guy?
And yes, Hayes is being fitted for clothes, but the reasons submitted aren’t quite right yet — fun, but dead wrong. More guesses by newbies are needed! If we don’t have this nailed by 6 AM Sat. morning, I’ll have to unleash the regulars.
So…Hayes is actually being fitted for his “First-Time Daddy Suit” in anticipation of his new role in the community?
Sorry, Skip. Nope.
Okay, it’s early Saturday morning. All guesses are open to everyone. Who’s the guy on the left and what’s the measuring about?
Dan Freeman is measuring Hayes for a tux to wear to the NHS ball.
Bingo, Jerry. And Hayes has blogged about the Ball here on the spiffy new Northfield Historical Society website.
There’s a Freeman ad right here next to me, on the Northfield community calendar. 507-650-4889. I was just thinking about how that’s odd and I didn’t know he still did that… remember our downtown Freemans? Wow, that was a long time ago.
When we moved to town Aug ’84 there were several clothing shops around here. There was a discount woman’s clothing shop which I think was called Marshalls (probably not, but I’ll throw that out there) and there was used clothing at both another woman’s shop and Ragstock, and there was Rare Pair for women (now for men, too) which wasn’t/ isn’t discount, but has nice things, and of course Jacobsen’s…
I believe there’d be no Target if we had been able to retain those downtown stores and added more like them. (We need to allow for economic diversity…?)
I hear Rollie is moving from town, by the way. I’ve forgotten the name of the town, but it’s in the northwestern Minnesota area. Goodbye, Rollie!
And while I am reminiscing, several people have told me that I am wrong about the downtown 1st National bank location being a dime store in 1984. I SWEAR that spot used to be a dime store…
By the way, what is a “newbie”? I still feel new to town… but maybe I count as an “oldbie.”
Wait, this must be the day of the blonde. I missed what a newbie was (RSS feed skim). Duh. I think I’ve commented this year so far.
You’re excused, Holly!
Thanks for the historical reminiscing. Yeah, Freeman’s the Hub was the men’s store. And not a women’s stored called Marshall’s but Dahl House, wasn’t it?
I know that there are those that are better at this sort of thing, but…Freemans The Hub had a number of locations, the last of which was where Glass Garden Beads is now–413 Division Street. After they closed Mitchells was there. Yes, Dan has been doing tuxedo rentals ever since, so call him for your event. The Dahl House and Permans were in the 300 block of Division. Yes, Holly, the First National Bank of Northfield expanded into the space where the Variety Store used to be (and before that it was The Hub). There still are a number of clothing stores downtown besides the Rare Pair and Ragstock–Annas Closet and Sisters Ugly are wonderful!
When I used to have my store (Present Perfect) located at 411 Division (I since moved to the Jacobsen’s space at 419) people would come in and ask me what used to be here. My response was to ask them what decade they were interested in hearing about! Which is to say that downtown Northfield has always been changing as people go in and out of business and move for many reasons. Before we bemoan the death of our downtown because of the lack of one business or one type of business, realize that many of these buildings have been occupied for over 100 years.
Who’s talking about the death of downtown?
Mary said:
I just visited Germany and France, and I think our downtown would be enhanced by more businesses that meet the needs of lower, middle class, and upper class citizens. The needs of the everyday shopper whoever they are. Call me an idealist– but that’s what I would like to see. No big name stores, just what I need, downtown.
Right now, I think the plan must be to cater to certain kinds of consumers. I vote we cater to all kinds of consumers.