Last week, NUY Executive Director Josh Hinnenkamp blogged an update on the drive to raise $10K to meet the Northfield Healthy Community Initiative’s (HCI) challenge grant for the Skateboard Coalition and the Skateplaza, now designated for Ames Park.
Adam Gurno blogged it on and Jaci Smith posted to her Northfield News blog about it, too.
The Skateboard Coalition evidently needs approximately about $500 more to fully meet the match (HIC matches dollar for dollar up to $10K) and the deadline is April 1, next Tuesday.
So if you’d like to donate, on the HCI site it says:
Donations to support a new skate park can be mailed to the Northfield Union of Youth, P.O. Box 481, Northfield, MN 55057.
Checks can be made out to the Northfield Union of Youth – please write “Skateboard Coalition” in the memo line.
Donations are tax-deductible.
And if they hit the $10K goal, I’m sure Skateboard Coaltion co-founder Joe McGowan will go apeshit be really happy, like this:
Yes, I’m very sure that Joe McGowan will be as exuberant as Zane Anway is in these pictures. 😀
Dang! I tend to get Joe and Zane mixed up. Thanks, Gilly, I’ve swapped out the Zane photos with one of a young and happy Joe.
We are extremely close – a couple hundred away because of some recent donations. I expect our P.O. Box to be flooded with checks!! Oh, and even after the challenge grant is over on April 1st, we still hope people will contribute to the Skateboard Coalition fund. Who knows what the final expense will be for the park and the more we raise, the better the park. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED!
Where does one send donations?
Above is the info to contribute — Checks written to: Northfield Union of Youth with skatepark in the memo line.
Northfield Union of Youth
P.O. Box 481
Northfield, MN 55057
Another update. A BIG HUGE thanks to The American Legion for a donation of $1000 and Noah Cashman, our esteemed city council member, for $750!!! The $1000 was pending and included in the total before but the $750 was not. I will not say we have gone over, but will say that things look good at the moment. We still have some pending donations, meaning we are on the cusp. So keep donating and help these kids get their skatepark!!
In today’s Nfld News: Skateboard group meets matching grant.