Northfield City Administrator Al Roder publishes a memo to the mayor and city council each week on Friday. It summarizes many of the staff activities for the week.
The Friday memos are published and archived in PDF form at the bottom of his web page.
See his Friday memo for last week and then comment or ask questions about it here.
See the Northfield city calendar for public meetings that are scheduled this week.
NOTE: There’s a city council meeting tonight at 7 pm.
At the shortest Council meeting I’ve ever been present at, Mark Taylor was named our new Police Chief. Unfortunately, he was on duty at the time of the meeting, and was therefore unable to attend. So congratulations, Mark!
Nfld News has the, errr, news.
Patrick: You’re right , I think it was the shortest ever… But you’re also wrong (Through no fault of your own, cause it’s what Al Roder said at the meeting)… But according to someone who was there; Mark Taylor was upstairs at City Hall with Liz Wheeler.
And to be VERY specific … no one said he was ON DUTY; Mr. Roder said he was WORKING.
Why couldn’t he appear and say something appropriate?
Why bother to dissemble?