Highlighting Other Local Blogs

downtown-4.jpgI guess relief is in sight; Griff and Tracy will allegedly be back in the harness soon. I get the sense that they think I’m juggling the ball as I near the goal line, however, and I’m supposed to do one more post keep the LG media empire chugging along until they return.

About a month ago, the Triumvirate talked about bringing more attention to the local blogs that we aggregate on the Locally Grown site (admittedly they both were drinking at the time). The aggregated blogs are kind of buried rather deeply beneath the comments so they may be overlooked, but many are quite active and all are worth a look. I’ll fill my quota with a post about one of those blogs.

Selecting one purely at random, I’ll focus on the site of the Northfield Downtown Development Corporation. Speaking objectively, it’s a handsome site, full of valuable updates, stimulating analysis, and clever witticisms.

In the month of April, for example, the posts include the Garden Club’s Exciting New Initiative, NDDC Efforts on the Commercial Property Tax Issue, the Downtown Cow’s New Name, Ideas for Maximizing the Leverage from Your Stimulus, some Unanticipated Benefits from Meetings, talking Quality of Life with the Block Heads, NDDC Board Members Do Downtown, an approach to Encouraging Growth without Sacrificing Your Character, heads-up for Girls Nite Out 2008, be aware of College Students Plan to Descend on Downtown, and Northfield is Bidding Farewell to Lansing Hardware.

If this post doesn’t inspire Griff and Tracy to get back at it, I’ve got another idea. I’m going to do one celebrating Jefferson Airplane’s “Bless It’s Pointed Little Head”. That oughtta get them strapping themselves back in.


  1. Ross Currier said:

    Yeah Griff –

    …and I didn’t even credit the photographer…

    …for that beautiful photograph of the pedestrian bridge…

    – Ross

    April 30, 2008

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