Ross’ post on Tuesday, Highlighting Other Local Blogs (in which he managed to highlight only one), prompted us to do a show on the local civic-oriented bloggers whose feeds we currently aggregate on our right sidebar.
It also prompted us to move up the aggregator widget, as well as shrink the number of/character count of the comments displayed at the top of the sidebar so as to give the bloggers more prominent sidebar real-estate. Let us know (comment here or Contact Us) what you think about these changes.
Bloggers featured in the podcast:
- Bruce Anderson, member, City of Northfield Non-motorized task force; Principal, Sustainable Community Solutions
- David Bly, Minnesota State Representative, 25B
- Ross Currier, Executive Director, Northfield Downtown Development Corporation And Northfield Planning Commissioner
- Kevin Dahle, MN State Senator, District 25
- Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin, Director, Latino Enterprise Center
- Bruce Morlan, Dundas/Bridgewater Township Planning Commissioner; moderator, Politics and a Pint
- Bill Ostrem, member, City of Northfield Non-motorized task force; Northern Letter (blog)
And see the Locally Grown Local Civic Blogosphere page for an updated list of local civic-oriented blogs. Let us know (comment here or Contact Us) if I’m missing any.
Click play to listen. 30 minutes. You can also subscribe to the podcast feed, or subscribe directly with iTunes.
Our radio show/podcast, Locally Grown, usually airs Wednesdays at 5:30 PM on KYMN 1080 AM.
Thanks for the plug for those of us toiling in the cyber-fields and blogging locally, guys!
(Shameless self-promotion warning.) Tracy, you mentioned barrel-lust: get your rain barrel order in soon–I’ve drained all 70 bourbon barrels I dragged up here (tough work, but someone’s gotta do it!), 62 are spoken for, and only 8 remain. Northfielders have ordered 8 of these beauties, with an embarrassing 54 being picked up by/delivered to folks from the Twin Cities, Marine on St. Croix, St. Peter and LeSueur. C’mon, Northfield!
Hey, Bruce, reserve a rain barrel for the Wigleys, will ya?
Griff and Tracy –
I listened to the podcast and thought it was a fun show. However, it seemed that the energy kind of died with my departure. 😉
Actually, the only true constructive criticism that I have to offer is that you might have cycled back to the concept of “expert guest bloggers”, or whatever we’re calling them, and re-extended the invitation, as well as started generating ideas from our listeners about topics that might benefit from such experts.
Now that I think about it, perhaps you could have also encouraged other Northfield-area folks with ideas and opinions to start their own blogs and get aggregated with the rest of us “B-List” celebrities”.