At St. Olaf’s Viking Theater last night, the Northfield Historical Society premiered a student-produced documentary titled, “Ytterboe the Dog: A Community Tale.” Left photo, L to R: Jessica Steinbach, St. Olaf senior History major, Hayes Scriven, Executive Director of the Northfield Historical Society, Stephanie Tanner, St. Olaf sophomore and Computer Science/Mixed Media Studies major. See Hayes’ blog post and the April 18th Northfield News story titled Ytterboe: Star of screen and St. Olaf for more.
I thought the 40-minute documentary was very well-done… just the right touch of humor, poignancy, and information with terrific music and multimedia effects.
NHS should have the DVD for sale in the near future. There are also plans to put it up on Google Video.
Right photo above: Rieber Paulson and his wife. A year ago, I blogged about Rieber’s great idea to launch a community civic celebration called The Shooting of Ytterboe Days. With the help of Locally Grown, the idea went nowhere.
See the album of a dozen photos or this slideshow:
I understand that the investigation of this 1957 event was turned over to Goodhue County. Results of the investigation are expected soon.
You are correct Curt, but Goodhue has told us that it will take at least 5 years to finish the investigation!
Hayes, I went to the premiere last night and want to thank you and the Historical Society for putting on such a fun and interesting event.
The NHS now has the Ytterboe movie up on Google Video– full length version. See Hayes Scriven’s blog post or view it right here: