Sesquicentennial banner in Northfield today and Saturday

Last night, the state of Minnesota’s Sesquicentennial banner arrived in Northfield. It’s making its way around the state via public libraries (see librarian Debby Nitz’ blog post for details) and so Lynne Young, Director of the Northfield Public Library, was the master of ceremonies for its unveiling on Bridge Square.

The banner will be at the library all day today and Saturday, along with a journal that local citizens can write in. Booker takes the banner to St. Paul on Sunday where festivities for Statehood Week begin.

See the album of 18 photos or this slideshow:


  1. Kathy Ness said:

    Actually Griff the banner and journal will head up to St. Paul on Sunday, so people can come to the library and sign the journal through Saturday, May 10th!

    May 9, 2008
  2. Griff Wigley said:

    Thanks for the alert, Kathy… I’ve edit the blog post. You might want to alert Debby to edit her post on or add a comment that updates it with the new info.

    May 9, 2008
  3. […] Debby Nitz?? blog post for details and so Lynne Young, Director of the Northfield Public Li train moves through Minn. to mark 150th anniversary Winona Daily NewsST. paul ?? A wagon train […]

    May 15, 2008

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