Photo album: Footbridge gets the ‘America in Bloom’ treatment

Members of the Mayor’s Youth Council teamed up with the Northfield Police Department on Thursday to plant flowers on the pedestrian footbridge in downtown Northfield, part of the Northfield America in Bloom competition.

Judy Code Pat Allen
The whole operation was led by (left) Judy Code, president of the Northfield Garden Club and Northfield in Bloom Steering Committee Chair Pat Allen. For more info on the Northfield in Bloom competition, see our April 2 podcast with Judy Code.

See the album of 15 photos or this slideshow:


  1. Pat Allen said:

    Thanks, Griff, for featuring the planting of the flower boxes on the downtown pedestrian bridge last Thursday. I especially want to thank all of the youth on the Mayor’s Youth Council, Captain Roger Schroeder and Chief Mark Taylor of the Police Department, as well as Judy Code, President of the Garden Club who organized and led the effort. We all worked together to beautify the bridge and bring delight to all of Northfield. I hope you stop by to enjoy it and the plantings along the Riverwalk, the Post Office, the Library, the Safety Center, Bridge Square, and in the downtown business district.

    May 25, 2008
  2. Griff Wigley said:

    You’re welcome, Pat. Good to hear Chief Taylor showed up. Capt. Schroeder was the only ‘beauty on duty’ cop while I was there.

    I took photos of other flowers along Division. I’ll post that album shortly.

    May 26, 2008
  3. Will there be big hanging flower baskets on the bridge and throughout town like last year? Too bad they could not be in place for Ole graduation. They were gorgeous last year.

    May 26, 2008
  4. Jody Graff said:

    I wanted to say thank you to everyone that worked on the flowers and plants downtown. I especially liked the pots and flowers on the pedestrian bridge, they really ad to the ambiance of the river walk area. The bridge gets a lot of use from me and my family. My husband and I like to walk the kids downtown for dinner. When we are done we will usually walk around. The kids run around the fountain for a while, then it’s over to the “waterfall”, and after that it’s on to the river walk and over the walk bridge. All of the flowers and plants are so beautiful to look at. Thank you!

    May 27, 2008
  5. Pat Allen said:

    Yes, there will be hanging baskets downtown again this year — part of an effort begun by the Garden Club, the Chamber of Commerce and City of Northfield about 10 years ago. I would especially like to thank TJ Heinricy, Streets and Parks Supervisor, and his crew of city employees who hung the flower boxes on the pedestrian bridge and prepared them for planting, as well as the Mayor’s Youth Council, the Police Department and the Garden Club. To contact America in Bloom — Northfield email us at

    May 27, 2008
  6. Pat Allen said:

    America in Bloom — Northfield will be working to increase the number of baskets hanging in the downtown next year. We will be looking for donations from individuals and organizations later this year so we can add to the number. We now have about 60 and would like to add more. As a reference, Red Wing has about 360 baskets throughout their downtown and their outlying commercial district.

    May 27, 2008
  7. Griff Wigley said:

    Pat, I’ve blogged a photo album of downtown businesses/orgs who’ve got flowers outside their locations. Have you and your colleagues been pestering them to do that?

    May 28, 2008

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