I’m heading to the Minnesota Journalism Center at the Univ. of Minnesota later this morning for a conference titled New Pamphleteers/New Reporters: Convening Entrepreneurs Who Combine Journalism, Democracy, Place and Blogs. It’s one of a ongoing series of national conferences from the Journalism That Matters team.
The RepJ team will be attending, too, and so we’ll be talking about Locally Grown, the Northfield civic blogosphere, and the rest of the local media here in Northfield.
The vigilante blogging post and subsequent discussion is relevant to all this, so I do want to continue dealing with issues raised there. Randy Jennings has graciously agreed to be on upcoming LG podcast to talk about this stuff, so stay tuned for that.
Griff: Im looking forward to hearing about the conference.
Perhaps you’re already aware that there is another interesting and related event in Minneapolis Friday-Sunday: the National Conference on Media Reform. To see the agenda and to catch the streamed panels and talks, go to:
Jane, yes, many people attending this conf will be attending the Media Reform conf. I won’t be, tho. I’ll be in the cities all day/eve again on Friday but hopefully will catch up over the weekend.
Lest it be misunderstood, I say this seriously, and without criticism: I think for “Journalism that Matters” or “Responsible Journalism”, the thread on the 6/2 council meeting could provide the perfect vehicle for a long, intense, and important seminar on local journalism.