Northfield City Administrator Al Roder publishes a memo to the mayor and city council each week on Friday. It summarizes many of the staff activities for the week.
The Friday memos are published and archived in PDF form at the bottom of his web page.
See his Friday memo for this past week and then comment or ask questions about it here. See the Northfield city calendar for public meetings that are scheduled this week.
NOTE: There’s a Council work session tonight.
On the council’s agenda tonight is a discussion of the “Amendments to the Future Land Use Map of the 2001 Comprehensive Plan and Annexation of Approximately 530 Acres of land located entirely within Greenvale Township in Dakota County.” In the background material, the staff refers to the May 27 recommendation from the Planning Commission (530 acres), and spells out for the council the three alternatives they staff suggested that the Commission consider.
The staff recommends the second alternative (annexation of 530 acres) and lists the reasons.
This information is included in the council’s packet for tonight’s meeting, found on the city’s web site.
There is no opportunity for public input at a work session, but tonight’s meeting will be good background for anyone planning to comment at the June 16 meeting when the council will consider acting on the requests.