Mari Sorgatz is back!

Last August I blogged about Mari Sorgatz, one of the workers for the City of Northfield’s Streets, Parks & Facilities Division who has downtown flower watering duties in the summer. The Northfield Garden Club is responsible for planting the flowers and vines in the spring but the city is responsible to keep them alive, watering them nearly every morning.

Mari SorgatzYesterday morning at 6 am, I found Mari watering the new hanging flowers on the pedestrian bridge which got the Northfield in Bloom treatment back in May.

She told me that her mom printed out last year’s photo so naturally, I had to take another. (Note to Mari’s mom: contact me if you want the original, as it’s much better for making a print.)

And thanks to all the city workers and volunteers who help make downtown spiffy.


  1. Beth Sorgatz said:

    I love reading the blog about my mother. She wakes up extra early before her full time job to water the plants. I don’t know how she does it! Great Blog! And good job to my mother and everybody else who keeps those plants alive during the summer!!!

    June 12, 2008
  2. Griff Wigley said:

    Thanks, Beth. Be sure to alert Grandma. 😉

    June 12, 2008

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