Gospel Gossip to go on national tour this summer

Gospel GossipSarah Nienaber and Justin Plank

I chatted with Northfielder Justin Plank this morning at the Blue Monday. Justin is the bass player for Gospel Gossip which performed at the JuneBug 2008 Music Festival on Saturday.

Justin Plank Sarah Nienaber Ollie Moltaji

Left: Justin Plank
Center: Sarah Nienaber
Right: Ollie Moltaji

Justin told me that they’ll be leaving on a 40-day/25 gig tour of the U.S. in early August. On Aug 8-9, they’ll be one of 15 ‘college bands’  invited to perform/compete at the New American Music Festival in PA where Bob Dylan, the Raconteurs, the Roots, Gnarls Barkley and Spoon will headline.

They sounded different to me at JuneBug than when they played at the Cow last December (blogged here on LG by Ross). Justin said that they rarely perform any of the tracks from their first CD anymore. He said they’re working on a new CD and are maybe 3/4 of the way there.

Keep track of them on their Gospel Gossip website and their Gospel Gossip MySpace page.

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