Podcast: Representative Journalist Bonnie Obremski

Griff Wigley, Bonnie Obremski, Tracy Davis, Ross Currier

Our guest today: Representative Journalist Bonnie Obremski (that links to her bio page here on LG), the reporter for the Northfield Representative Journalist project (new page here on LG for RepJ).

We talked with her about her background, including why she dissed Northfield and its colleges in favor of attending some rinky-dink school out east that Ross seems to favor for some reason.

Yes, we spent a few minutes on the RepJ project, too.

Click play to listen. 30 minutes. You can also subscribe to the podcast feed, or subscribe directly with iTunes. Our radio show/podcast, Locally Grown, usually airs Wednesdays at 5:30 PM on KYMN 1080 AM.


  1. Mona Obremski said:

    Ross, in case others might want to know: viewer discretion advised:
    Hampshire College: 2008/9 Tuition, Room, and Board: $47,869.00

    I listened to the radio interview and enjoyed it very much. I just want to give you all a group hug for being so kind and understanding. I learned a new word today! Communatainment!
    I’m so proud of Bonnie…there aren’t words.

    Note on Wikidpedia: some academic institutions will not allow it at all as a research source; for journalists it is allowed as a tertiary source; for bloggers it’s required reading.

    July 17, 2008
  2. Ross Currier said:

    Mona –

    Based on Bonnie’s performance so far…

    …I’d say it’s worth every damn penny.

    – Ross

    July 18, 2008
  3. Mona Obremski said:

    Ross – To myself, her Father, her sister, her nana, her aunts, uncles and one cousin, and a climbing team of others; Bonnie is priceless.

    Thanks so much,

    July 18, 2008
  4. Do all the other cousins put a price on her value? Why has she failed to establish her invaluable nature among that crucial band of relatives? Is there some creepy peccadillo that should be shared?

    Also, what are they climbing, this team of hers? Are there Sherpas involved? I’ve heard they’re quite good.

    July 18, 2008
  5. Mona Obremski said:

    Sorry. Only one first cousin exists.
    But I forgot to give mention to one special climber who is clipped-in and providing dynamic belay……Josh!

    July 18, 2008

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