One result of our Locally Grown podcast with City of Northfield Finance Director Kathleen ‘Mac’ McBride back in June: this Locally Grown CIP draft Straw Poll.
The primary purpose of this CIP draft Straw Poll is to encourage more of the citizenry to get engaged in thinking and talking about the CIP so that more poeple will use whatever other means (phone, email, F2F, open mic, etc.) to communicate with Northfield City Council members about it.
- It can be completed in 5 minutes or less.
- We’ll keep it open for the next week or so, probably ending it on June 29 so we can discuss the results on next week’s podcast. We’ll use the comment thread to post alerts as it comes to a close, or if we change our collective minds about ending it on a different date.
- There are some techie tools in place to prevent people from taking the straw poll more than once. But you wouldn’t anyway, would you?
- There are comment boxes for each section, so feel free to take your time to opinionate and make suggestions. If you’ve been reluctant to participate in our online discussion about the CIP, yet have some comments you’d like to make known, this is the perfect opportunity for you.
- The results of the CIP straw poll, including all civil comments, will be packaged up into a PDF for city staff and the Council to read, as well as posted here on LoGroNo.
- This straw poll is for whoever chooses to take it (among the visitors to Locally Grown Northfield, obviously), not a scientifically-determined public opinion survey based on a random sample of the population. So don’t argue that the results should directly impact decision-making at the Council level or we’ll ask the math police to track you down and have you lobotomized.
Here’s the link to the CIP draft (PDF). Feel free to peruse it before, during, or after you take the CIP draft Straw Poll.
Straw poll results are coming in s l o w l y but surely. A baker’s dozen so far.
You’re next!
Here are some of the comments thus far from the straw poll, City Facilities section:
20 citizens have responded thus far to the CIP Straw Poll. Not half bad. I’d like another dozen before we close it down.
Here are some of the comments thus far from the straw poll, Community Enhancements section:
Here are some of the referendum-related comments thus far in the straw poll:
Last day to take the CIP straw poll. It’s on the agenda for Monday’s Council meeting.
Here are some of the debt-related comments thus far in the straw poll:
The item on Monday’s agenda deals less with specific projects and more with requirements that would allow the City to issue CIP bonds (for city facilities) and Street Reconstruction Plan (SRP) bonds. The two items are continued public hearings from the last Council meeting. The resolutions associated with each – the CIP and the SRP – approve each plan and provide for preliminary approval to issue bonds.
No specific project is authorized by this action nor are any bonds actually issued.
Both types of debt (CIP and SRP) provide for a reverse referendum. The 30-day clock for submitting a petition to hold a referendum starts ticking when the public hearings close.
With regards to the five-year capital improvement plan (the big document not to be confused with the CIP plan related to issuing CIP bonds) is being updated for the next five-year cycle – 2009 – 2013. The initial draft will be out sometime in September.
Lots of time for public comment and review. Any large project – City Hall, individual street project, etc. – will be decided upon by specific Council approval.
Thx, Mac. Would it be better for me to present the results of the straw poll at a future council meeting instead of tonight?
I would suggest you wait until next month so that it comes with the presentation of the next cycle (first round list). But I leave it up to you.
Good idea, Mac. That’ll give me time to compile everything into a single PDF/document for prior distribution to the council.
I’m not sure if this would be a CIP item but building an underpass running Jefferson Parkway below Division would eliminate the most congested and dangerous intersection in Northfield. I’m sure underpasses are not cheap but the hill is already there.