What is Drentlaw Plaza about?

Drentlaw Plaza Drentlaw Plaza machine

As you enter Dundas via County Rd 1 at Hwy 3, you’ll see this landscaped area on the north side announcing Drentlaw Plaza area… but no plaza.

Anyone know what’s happening here?  And what is that old machine?


  1. I’m not alone in this world of confusion! I’ve been wondering about that sign for a while.

    On this subject of weird, vertical rocks, does anyone know what the deal is with those rocks just a half-mile northeast, at the intersections of Heritage and Jefferson and Honeylocust and Jefferson?

    July 23, 2008
  2. Curt Benson said:

    Griff, an online dictionary says a plaza is an open area, suitable for pedestrians. That’s fits the area, doesn’t it?

    I guess the old machine is a mill or grinder for grain. The two larger wheels are flywheels. The smaller wheel connects to a tractor or portable engine of some kind. The grain goes in the larger, rectangular hole. The ground up stuff comes out the smaller hole on the bottom on the right. The spring loaded bolts probably adjust how fine the grain is ground.

    Speaking of mysteries, what’s up with the Skyfox Helicopter hovering over the south end of Northfield/Sechlar Park/Dundas area right now–2:15 pm Weds. I happened to have my trusty binoculars in my car trunk, so I was able to tell what the chopper is. (I know, what a nerd.)

    July 23, 2008
  3. Jane Moline said:

    OK, back to the Drentlaw Plaza — owned by Gene Jasnoch zoned LI (limited industrial) but some of the other land that was the Drentlaw farm is zoned residential.

    I think Gene wants to put some appropriate light-industiral user there and maybe, someday put some residential stuff on the residential land.

    I think the rocks look neat.

    There are no plans before the planning commission or city council for this site.

    July 23, 2008
  4. Ashley Thompson said:

    the drentlaw plaza is the grounds where my great grandfather lived. he owned a farm there on that land and i spent tons of time there. Alvin Drentlaw was his name and he passed in 2004. his home has been thus removed and was at a big show in the area.

    August 9, 2009

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