Single sort recycling arrives in Northfield

single sort recycling single sort recycling single sort recycling 

As reported here on Locally Grown back in this April discussion thread, single sort recycling (AKA single-stream or co-mingled recycling) is arriving for Northfield. The containers arrived on my street (Heritage Drive) yesterday.

See the  recycling page on the Rice County web site. New items now included:

Cardboard and food boxes (non-refrigerated). Items like cereal, pop, food boxes, etc., please flatten both types out before recycling.


  1. john george said:

    So, supply and demand affects pretty much everything in this world? Next thing, we’ll have to consider government subsidies if the processing costs exceed the return on the recyclables. Personally, I really enjoy being able to put all my recyclables into one bin without worrying about getting things mixed up. And, I think greater participation in this program is the goal.

    December 11, 2008

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