Noah Cashman’s at-large seat: Who’s applying for the interim position? Who’s running for the two-year term?

  1. Aug. 4 is the deadline for anyone interested in serving as the interim at-large councilor for Noah Cashman’s seat. This interim term would be from Aug. 18 to the end of 2008.
  2. Aug. 26 to Sept. 9 is the filing period for those interested in serving out the two years remaining in Cashman’s term. There’s no primary, even if more than two file. Election will be held on Nov. 4.


See this July 18 Nfld News story for background.


  1. Griff Wigley said:

    Seems like both the City’s website and the LWV website should be promoting the application and filing periods for these two openings but I can’t find anything other than notes on the July council meeting when the decision was made. Anyone have some URLs?

    July 30, 2008
  2. Ross Currier said:

    I’m voting for Dixon Bond…

    …whether or not he decides to run.

    July 30, 2008
  3. Tracy Davis said:

    Good idea, Ross. Have you mentioned it to DB? 🙂

    July 31, 2008
  4. Ross Currier said:

    No, but I’m planning to talk to Brendon Etter about setting up a website for Dixon. As someone who doesn’t own a computer, I’m sure he won’t complain about Brendon’s music choices for the site.


    July 31, 2008
  5. Griff Wigley said:

    The deadline to apply for the 5 month interim at-large council seat expired yesterday at 5 pm. Anyone know who applied?

    August 5, 2008
  6. Scott Oney said:

    Griff (#5): I actually dropped off an application yesterday. I don’t know of anyone else who applied, but it sounds like more than one other did. (An unnamed source in the admin. office referred, in passing, to other applicants in the plural.) I hope the council ends up with someone halfway decent, whoever they pick.

    August 5, 2008
  7. Griff Wigley said:

    Hey, glad to hear, Scott! I’ve contacted the City Clerk, Deb Little, re: who else has filed.

    August 5, 2008
  8. Griff Wigley said:

    Here’s the list of interim at-large applicants:

    Dixon Bond
    Ray Cox
    David Ludescher
    Scott Oney
    Rhonda Pownell
    Steve Rholl
    Victor Summa

    August 5, 2008
  9. Patrick Enders said:

    Interesting list. How/when is the interim position filled?

    August 5, 2008
  10. Griff Wigley said:

    Patrick, the Council evidently will do interviews at the Aug. 11 mtg, and then vote (round-robin style, possibly) at the Aug. 18 mtg.

    August 6, 2008

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