Minnesota-grown flowers at cousin Jane’s Forget-Me-Not Florist

Jane Williams, co-owner of Forget-Me-Not Florist here in Northfield with her hubby Jim (right photo below), is my second cousin on my mother’s side… the Lauers of St. Paul, then Mendota Heights, then Rosemount while I was growing up in Eagan. (I went to elementary school in the late 50s/early 60s with Jane and her sibs at St. Peter’s in Mendota. My mother, Audre Wigley, taught 5th grade there and had many of the Lauer kids in her class over the years.)

Jane Williams, Griff Wigley Forget-Me-Not florist, Northfield Jim Williams, Jane Williams

minnesotagrownlogoI stopped by their Northfield florist shop (Water St. at 5th) yesterday to order some flowers (for my sweetie!) and to see how the the 5th St. construction was impacting their business. (Ouch on the latter.)

I’d planned to order flowers via their Northfield florists website (for delivery to Robbie’s hotel room in Salt Lake City) but Jane gave me a money-saving tip: browse the site to find what I wanted, then phone them with the order.

Jane said a large percentage of their flowers have always been supplied by Minnesota growers, part of the Minnesota Grown Program coordinated by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.

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