Straw poll, resources, discussion: 2008 Northfield Council At-Large candidates for the Sept. 9 primary

Who are you going vote for in the Northfield At-Large primary next Tuesday, Sept. 9?

david delongdana graham kris-vohs

Left: David DeLong
Center: Dana Graham
Right: Kris Vohs

Take the straw poll below, add your comments and questions, and consider checking out these resources before you do either:

I’m not aware of any web sites for these candidates.

Northfield News interview links:

Aug. 28 Candidate forum at City Hall, At-Large segment:

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  1. Stephanie Henriksen said:

    (We own property in town, but vote in Bridgewater Township. Nevertheless, I hope you can take my comment on this race.)

    David DeLong always did his homework when he served on the Council and did his best to access all background information before voting. This became especially apparent during the Target controversy.

    Dana Graham followed David on the Council, as I recall. He was manager of Dokmo Ford and a key player in seeing that the Target complex ended up down Hwy 3 rather than on available land on the fringe. None of this has come up in the campaign so far.

    We need David DeLong back on the Council, especially during these hard economic times.

    September 5, 2008
  2. Griff Wigley said:

    63 straw poll votes thus far for the At-Large seat. Last day!

    September 8, 2008
  3. Griff Wigley said:

    The At-Large straw poll is now closed.

    September 9, 2008

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