Adult spelling bee photo album 2007


  1. Mary Schier said:

    Griff: Thanks for posting about the Bee. There is still time to register a team for Thursday’s event–maybe the Locallygrown commenters could put a group together?

    September 20, 2008
  2. Griff Wigley said:

    Sorry I missed it this year, Mary. How’d it go? I see Lynne Young’s report in the Friday Memo:

    The Third Annual Friends of the Library Spelling Bee was held last night with a crowd of 100+ attending. There were several suspenseful rounds during which four different teams stayed even. The competition finally ended in a tie between the Winona Whiz Kids and the Northfield Arts Guild Team. Way to go! This definitely proves that not all Northfielders depend upon spell check to get things right!

    The list of thanks is extensive. Team sponsors: Tiny’s, the NDDC, the Northfield Arts Guild, Neuger Communications, the Northfield News, Coldwell Banker, Countryside Animal Hospital, the Northfield Public Library Board, the Bee-G’s, St. Olaf Avenue Spellers, the Union of Youth and the Winona Whiz Kids. Also, thanks to Will Healy, the master of ceremonies, the judges – Diana Tallent, Margit Johnson and Bob Bonner and pronouncer, Paul Zorn.

    Thanks also to all the spellers who are too numerous to mention. And, most of all thanks to the Friends of the Library who organized and hosted the event – Mary Schier, Bill North, Tim Braulick, Leslie Schultz, Debbie Navarro, Betsy Busa, Mark Zach and Kathy Sommers and staff liaison, Leesa Wisdorf.

    September 29, 2008
  3. Mary Schier said:

    It seems our webmaster is up to something. I’ll check on it.

    September 29, 2008

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