The world’s largest operable steam locomotive will be at Sechler Park on Friday

nick benson
I got this email from Nick Benson, who’s a former NCO board member:

up_101_0105If you’re looking for some fluff for LoGro, Union Pacific 3985, the world’s largest operable steam locomotive, will be visiting Northfield on Friday, September 26.  It will be pulling a passenger train and will stop in Sechler Park. 

It’s scheduled to be there from 1:30-2:00, but I’d suggest keeping an eye on the GPS tracking map to see where it is before heading out.  The train will be traveling up from the south on its way to Saint Paul, and will return to its base in Cheyenne, WY via the line to Mankato, so this will be your only chance to see the locomotive in Northfield.

More info in this Sept. 19 press release. Check the schedule, too.

I can’t be there. Can someone take photos?


  1. Geez Griff, don’t you even read anymore? We posted this a week ago, and it’s at the top of our event listings…

    September 24, 2008
  2. Curt Benson said:

    Hey Doug, I saw your post awhile ago. Thanks.

    James Lileks blogged about the Challenger here:

    It was nice to see so many people out to see the Challenger. I didn’t know there were so many “anoraks” in the Northfield area. Hopefully, anorak doesn’t violate the civility guidelines, I apply the term to myself.

    September 29, 2008

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