Water St. parking lot Promenade 99% done

Water St. parking lot Promenade Water St. parking lot Promenade Water St. parking lot Promenade Water St. parking lot Promenade Water St. parking lot Promenade Water St. parking lot Promenade

Wow. With the addition of a kiosk, benches, bike racks, and ground and street lighting, the Promenade along the Water St. parking lot is almost done. It’s looking spectacular.

Hey, who decides what goes in the kiosk?


  1. Rob Hardy said:

    The next question is, what’s going on around the parking lot in the block between 4th and 5th and Division and Washington? Northfield Construction (your client, Griff) is building something, and a lot of re-landscaping is going on.

    October 4, 2008
  2. Ray Cox said:

    Rob….As part of the project Northfield Construction is installing features similar to the Water Street parking lot. We are working on the foundations for the stone gates and seat walls right now. After we have them completed we will be installing more of the green curved metal railings. There will be new plantings going in as well.
    You can watch for updates on the http://www.northfieldconstruction.net website.

    October 4, 2008
  3. Rob Hardy said:

    Thanks for the information, Ray.

    October 4, 2008
  4. WE just came back from LeSeur where we visted a Radio Shack and we drove down Hwy 19 thru New Prague where we saw stop signs with flashing LEDs.
    Are we gonna get flashing Stop Signs here?

    October 4, 2008

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