Podcast: Back at KRLX

Brandon Walker, Ross Currier, Griff WigleyWe reconnected with our Locally Grown radio show roots by recording at Carleton’s KRLX 88.1 FM studio yesterday. KRLX station news director Brandon Walker coaxed us back. (Cameron and Morgan will be pleased, no doubt.)

We’ve not abandoned KYMN 1080 AM, however. Our show will air each week on BOTH stations, thus achieving our long-imagined-but-never-stated goal of having LG penetrate 100% of Northfield’s radio market.

Ross and I (Tracy was AWOL) did touch on a few issues for this podcast, including some important fluff.

Click play to listen. 30 minutes. You can also subscribe to the podcast feed, or subscribe directly with iTunes. Our radio show/podcast, Locally Grown, usually airs Wednesdays at 5:30 PM on KYMN 1080 AM and on Fridays at 4 PM on KRLX 88.1 FM.

One Comment

  1. Felicity Enders said:

    Tracy – some quick but very late feedback from last week: outstanding questions! You have a great way of being persistent while continuing to keep the tone positive and collegial. Thanks!

    October 16, 2008

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