Heroin bust press conference video

The following video is about 1.5 minutes long. It shows portions of a press conference in the Rice County District Court that took place on Monday, Oct. 27 from 2:30 p.m. to about 3:15 p.m. There were representatives from the Faribault Daily News, KYMN Radio and Carleton College and about a half-dozen other people in the audience.

Rice County Heroin bust 10/27 press conference from Bonnie Obremski on Vimeo.

Here is a video of the entire conference, with minor edits by Benjamin Haynor.

Rice County Heroin Bust Press Conference 10/27/08 from Ben Haynor on Vimeo.

One Comment

  1. Bonnie Obremski said:

    Thanks to Ben Haynor, the full press conference is now online.

    November 3, 2008

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