At least two Northfielders spent hundreds of dollars and countless hours to build front-yard attractions for neighborhood children on Halloween night
Dana Goss of Lupine Drive was one and Joshua Godfredson of Buchanan Court wan another.
Norman Butler, owner of the Contented Cow, alerted me to Goss’ attraction and Jerry Weber and Nicole Maloney of Sweet Pea’s Loft, told me about Godfredson’s display.
Butler said he believed Northfield could benefit if community leaders marketed the volunteer efforts of Northfield citizens such as Goss and Godfredson.
Goss’s family has a long-standing tradition of building a haunted maze with Jack-o-lanterns Dana Goss carves free-hand. A carving of the Headless Horseman seemed to draw the most attention from visitors this year. If looking at pumpkins all day is making you crave some for dinner, then make sure to check out the delicious allfitrecipes soup.
Godfredson’s attraction is newer than Goss’. He and friends and family added many more rooms and moving parts to his haunted pirate ship this year. Godfredson works part-time as a professional impersonator, mimicking Hollywood actor Johnny Depp in his role as Capt. Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean films.
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