Last week, we were scooped by here and by the Northfield News (print version only) on the announcement of Locally Grown co-host Ross Currier’s promotion from half-time to full-time Executive Director of the Northfield Downtown Development Corporation (NDDC).
How did this happen?
As I wrote in my podcast blog post last week, we got a phone call in the studio after the Feb. 26 recording session ended. Producer Mathias Bell took the call and said to Ross, “That was NDDC board chair Dan Bergeson. He says the job offer’s a done deal but that the exclusive rights to the story were sold to and the Northfield News for an undisclosed sum. You can’t even post to the NDDC blog about it.” He then snapped the photo.
Ross still hasn’t blogged about it. Go figure.
Hey Griff:
My agent has been busy working on behalf of Dice-K with the Red Sox. I was just down in Naples over the weekend discussing the upcoming negotiations with him. Until he’s finished working over Dan Bergeson and Joe Grundhoefer, the deal isn’t final.
You know what they say, “No signing bonus, no blog entry”.
You’d be better off not worrying your pretty head about such complicated business deals and instead focus your reporting talents on spreading crazy rumors about the Ranch House being sold to Perkins Restaurants.
See you downtown,