Airdogs at the Snooze

Airdogs at the Snooze Northfield News parking lot

Left photo courtesy of Josh Rowan.

Update 11:45 am: Right photo of mine from 9 am this morning. 

Hmmm. I wonder how the dude grabbed the big air?


  1. Griff Wigley said:

    I’ve added a photo to the blog post from 9 am this morning.

    How’d the dude do it?

    December 12, 2008
  2. Mary F. Nelson said:

    Hmmm, busted.

    The “dude” who grabbed the big air is to never do that again or he will very possibly die– one way or another.

    Unfortunately, this type of stunt for him is not unusual. He has little fear, is overly athletic and finds challenge/risk certainly worth checking out and thinks common sense doesn’t always make, well… sense. But, he knows better and will be going around town shoveling a lot of snow this winter.

    To Sam, Jaci, Suzy, et all – You guys are probably used to Northfield citizen’s jumping with excitment over there at the News but let me know if there were any damages.

    To everyone else – if you ever see this “dude” try to defy gravity again, please call me so I can clarify a few things for him before he gets immortalized on LoGro again.

    Mary Nelson

    December 13, 2008
  3. Griff Wigley said:

    Mary, please excuse me, but your comment generated some hearty laughs at the Wigley household. It reminded us of the antics of our 3 ‘dudes’ not so long ago.

    December 17, 2008
  4. Bright Spencer said:

    I thought the dude was looking to see how long he could balance on the h.

    December 17, 2008

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